Deborah Milkowski

Deborah Milkowski explains why she supports Sierra Club and our planet's future with a gift in her estate plan. It starts with shared values and the drive to get things done.

What first inspired your connection outdoors?
When I was a kid, our family went camping frequently with another family. We then co-owned a cabin in the Adirondacks. We vacationed there together on a regular basis. I always loved camping and spending time outdoors.

Was there a particular family member or close friend that introduced you to Sierra Club? If not, how did you first learn about Sierra Club?
I first learned of Sierra Club in college.

Do you have a favorite outing experience with Sierra Club National Outings and/or with your local Chapter?
I used to participate frequently in outing events. My favorite aspect of these events has been meeting other like-minded people. Unfortunately, I have not been able to participate in these events lately. I hope to again in the future.

Deborah Milkowski

What inspired you to create a legacy gift with Sierra Club and/or the Sierra Club Foundation?
I decided to create a legacy gift with Sierra Club because this organization gets things done. In addition, it is important to me that an organization shares my values. I am impressed with Sierra Club because this organization, in my mind, is moving in the right direction.

People need to understand that environmental degradation, racism, cruelty to animals, etc., all stem from the same root cause: lack of respect for life. Our culture, particularly our culture of white, male leaders, has indoctrinated our society to believe in an unsustainable way of living that tries to dominate nature by extracting our resources and teaching people that money is the only valuable possession. We really need to understand what is behind people's decision to continue to destroy the environment, in order to change people's minds and come to a point of understanding and mutual respect. We need to build an all-inclusive society that teaches that all life is precious.

What might you say to others who are considering a similar gift to Sierra Club and/or the Sierra Club Foundation?
Why not?

You can join Deborah in respecting and protecting life on earth, today and for future generations. Contact our team at (800) 932-4270 or to learn more.